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In order to have the best possible smile, it is important to always practice optimum oral health care. Oral health care treatments and prevention can make sure your smile has a chance to shine for many decades to come. Not only do you need to make sure that your smile is always cared for through daily cleaning routines, but it always helps to visit our dentist for additional restorations, replacements, treatments, and cleanings as necessary. Furthermore, through a combination of caring for your own smile and having our dentist look for any issues that may arise, you can rest assured that your smile will have the best chance of oral health success.

Every day you need to focus on flossing and brushing your teeth. You should floss once a day and brush twice a day. In addition, you should consider using supplemental cleaning tools, such as mouthwash, every day. Mouthwash can prove effective after eating when brushing and flossing may be too abrasive on your teeth. It’s also important to limit snacking throughout the day, as snacks can increase the rate at which tooth decay can occur. Aside from limiting between-meal snacks, you need to make sure that all acidic products you consume are part of larger meals to help lower your risk of dental erosion.

Because of the risks associated with tooth decay and dental erosion after eating, you may want to consider using a non-abrasive cleaning tool immediately after eating. However, due to the effects of acids, brushing and flossing may cause additional harm. This is because brushes and toothpaste may be too abrasive. Instead, try using mouthwash or even sugarless chewing gum after meals.

On the topic of meals, make sure you’re eating healthy products that are nutritious and well-balanced. Avoid unhealthy sweets and treats, including sugars and starches, as they can contribute to dental erosion. This is because plaque in your mouth can transform these substances into harmful acids that will chew through your tooth enamel.

For more information about optimal oral health care, contact our team at Oneco Dental Care. If you need a dentist in Sarasota, Florida, you can set up an appointment with Dr. Peter Gangi at our dental office, by calling our team at 941-751-4900. With the help of our team, the pathway to a better smile can be yours.